The North Group Inc.

Services of
The North Group Inc.

Fundraising feasibility studies Capital and endowment
Annual operating campaigns
Solicitor training

Strategic planning
Board development and   retreats
Organizational assessments
Business plans

Community cultural planning
Facility program and "use"
  feasibility studies
Adaptive reuse planning


Halsey and Alice North
Halsey and Alice North

“Develop ownership among
those who can help make
the campaign happen.
Generally, 75-95% of contri-
butions will come from
10-15% of donors (usually
50-100 donors in a major
campaign), and they will
usually be solicited by
10-15 volunteer leaders.”

From their Capital Campaigns
in Tough Times workshop



The North Group Inc. leads workshops on fundraising, board development, and planning that focus on practical and helpful information grounded in real life challenges and success stories. Recent and upcoming workshops include:

Association of Performing Arts Presenters Conference 1976, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016

League of Historic American Theaters Conference 2001; 2002; 2003; 2-day 2004; 2005; 1-day 2006; 2-day 2007; 2008; 1½ day 2009; San Antonio Annual 2010; 1-day pre-conference + Annual Schenectady 2011; San Diego Annual 2012; Dallas Regional/Minneapolis Annual 2013; Chicago Regional/NYC Annual/Seattle Regional 2014; and Des Moines Regional/Nashville Annual/Denver Regional 2015

Art House Convergence, Midway in Utah 2015, just prior to the Sundance Film Festival

Main Street Iowa, Iowa Economic Development Authority, Des Moines 1-day Historic Theater and Opera House Workshop 2013

Americans for the Arts (and National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies) Conferences
Arts & Business Council
Arts and Business Partnership of Southern New Jersey
The Arts Council of Great Britain/British-American Arts Association in London
Arts Council Silicon Valley
Arts Extension Service, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Arts Midwest
Arts Westchester
Bolz Center for Arts Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business
Chamber Music America National Conference
Consortium of Eastern Regional Theatres
Cultural Arts Council of Houston and Harris County
Dutchess County Arts Council
Georgia Assembly of Community Arts Agencies
Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
The Maine Arts Sponsors Association
Mannes College The New School for Music
Marymount Manhattan College
Mid-America Arts Alliance
Mississippi Arts Commission
National Assembly of State Arts Agencies
National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts' Arts Administration Lecture Series
National Endowment for the Arts' Advancement Workshops
Northwest Booking Conference
NYS Arts/Alliance of New York State Arts Organizations
Midwest Arts Conference
Pace University
Performing Arts Coalition, Salt Lake City
The Program in Arts Administration, Columbia University
School of Business, Bolz Center for Arts Administration, University of Wisconsin-Madison
South Carolina State Arts Commission and South Carolina Theatre Association Convention
South Arts/Southern Arts Federation Performing Arts Exchange Conference
Southern Opera Conference
Tennessee Arts Commission and Metro Nashville Arts Commission
University of Georgia
University of Indiana
Utah Arts Council Conference
Western Arts Alliance
Western States Arts Federation



The North Group Inc.

site design by arts/axis